Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA).

Press & Media

The EduMat+ project partnership made contacts with web sites focusing on the field of school education. The EduMat+ project was presented to the web masters and a link to The EduMat+ project portal was made so that those who will access the selected web sites can also access, through a direct link, the The EduMat+ project portal.


Found 0 links

Found 24 links

Exchange Links


Pixel is partner in the EduMat+ project. Pixel website provides information about the project together with a direct link to the Portal. Users from Universities, Associations, Public bodies, Training Agencies, Schools, participants in the International Conferences on Education and people interested in the seminars/masters visit Pixel website (estimated visits are around 12.000 users each year). They may now learn about and benefit from the EduMat+ project.


EuroEd Primary School includes a Kindergarten founded in 1995 and a primary school founded in 1997. Both are accredited by the Romanian Ministry of Education.It promotes the European dimension of education which has become part of the ethos and culture of the school. Therefore, it mainly encourages multiculturalism and multilingualism by providing education to children of different nationalities or belonging to different ethnic groups.

CISL Scuola

CISL SCUOLA is partner in the EduMat+ project. CISL Scuola website provides information about the project together with a direct link to the Portal. Users from Universities, Associations, Public bodies, Trade Unions, Schools visit CISL Scuola website (estimated visits are around 5.000 users each months). They may now learn about and benefit from the EduMat+ project.


IRSEF IRFED is an association is a qualified entity for further education and training of school personnel and is involved in the EduMat+ project. IRSEF IRFED website provides information about the project together with a direct link to the Portal. Users from Universities, Associations, Public bodies, Trade Unions, Schools visit IRSEF IRFED website (estimated visits are around 100 users each months). They may now learn about and benefit from the EduMat+ project.

Zinev Art Technologies

ZAT is a partner in the EduMat+ project. On our website we have a page dedicated to projects, where EduMat+ has been announced, together with a direct link to the Portal. Users from schools, universities, associations, participants in training courses and events and people interested in our activities and project visit ZAT website (estimated visits are around 1.000 users each year). They may now learn about and benefit from the EduMat+ project.

Gh Asachi school

The Gh Asachi school – who is associated partner in EduMat+ project posted a link to the Romanian version of the EduMat brochure

Teachers for Disadvantaged Students

Teachers for Disadvantaged Students – Interventions to Combat Early School Dropout – website for teachers and educational experts (estimated visits are around 300 users each year). They may now learn about and benefit from the EduMat+ project. *

CISL Scuola Torino

Cisl scuola Torino is a specific sector of Cisl Scuola that is concerned with protecting school workers and taking action, including training, throughout the province of Turin.

CISL Scuola Piemonte

Cisl scuola Piemonte is a specific sector of Cisl Scuola that is concerned with protecting school workers and taking action, including training, throughout the region of Piemonte.

CISL Scuola Roma Rieti

Cisl scuola Roma-Rieti is a specific sector of Cisl Scuola that is concerned with protecting school workers and taking action, including training, throughout the province of Roma and Rieti.

CISL Scuola Catania

Cisl scuola Catania is a specific sector of Cisl Scuola that is concerned with protecting school workers and taking action, including training, throughout the province of Catania.

CISL Scuola Umbria

Cisl scuola Umbria is a specific sector of Cisl Scuola that is concerned with protecting school workers and taking action, including training, throughout the region of Umbria.

Agrupamento de Escolas Miguel Torga

AEMT is a partner of the EdeMat+ project. AEMT website provides information about the project together with a direct link to the Portal. Users from other schools, teachers, families and the community visit the website (estimated visits 1.000 a year). They may learn about and benefit from the EduMat+ project.

POEMS: Promoting Emotional Intelligence at School

The POEMS project aims to foster the development of the students' and teachers' emotional intelligence as a key competence that can contribute to enhance inclusion at the lower secondary school level, support teachers in creating an educational environment in which students can develop their emotional intelligence skills to consolidate their key competences and improve student capacity to develop their personal and interpersonal key competences based on emotional intelligence. The POEMS website provides information about the EduMat project together with a direct link to its Portal. POEMS users may now learn about and benefit from the EduMat project.


Our current society demands professionals with XXI century skills. STEAM disciplines have shown to be especially relevant to facilitate their acquisition. However in such disciplines inclusion of students with intellectual or developmental disabilities (IDD) is very difficult. RoboSTEAMSEN aims to support educational processes by providing teachers of students with IDD, with methodologies and tools for fostering STEAM by using Robotics and Active Learning Methodologies.

Università La Sapienza

Dipartimento di Pianificazione, Design, Tecnologia dell’Architettura (PDTA), Sapienza Università di Roma, is partner in the EduMat project. PDTA website provides information about the project together with a direct link to the Portal. Users from Universities, Associations, Public bodies, Training Agencies, students, researchers, professors, and people interested in the seminars/masters visit PDTA website. They may now learn about and benefit from the EduMat project.


The CAMPS project intends to develop a greater and sound awareness of the importance of CLIL methodology for primary schools, as language studies have been increasingly proving that foreign languages can be more easily learned at a younger age, and so it seems to be for foreign languages learned/taught through CLIL methodology.


Esciencia is a partner in the EduMat+ project. Esciencia website provides information about the project together with a direct link to the Portal. Users from universities, , Schools, participants and general public. Estimated visits are around 1355 users each year. They may now learn about and benefit from the project and participate.


The “Early Years Digital Portfolio” EYDP project has the aim to create a more effective and transparent communication pattern among childhood education and care systems and families with the purpose to document, evaluate and assess the progress of each child according to a holistic view of the child's development and learning. EYDP project website provides information about the EduMat+ project together with a direct link to the Portal. Users may now learn about and benefit from the EduMat+ project


NanoEYE aims to promote equal opportunities for all children in early science education, focusing on access, inclusion, diversity, and equity. Edumat was added under “Other projects” as they have similar target audience. There´s information about the project and a direct link to the Portal, making it accessible to users, schools, participants, and the general public. With an estimated average of 145 visits, users can learn about the project, benefit from its resources, and participate actively.

Zero Waste

Zero Waste is a project whose main objective is to promote the social inclusion of the rural areas in the field of education with content related to reduce food waste. As well as to improving the professional development of teachers by creating educational gamification tool with scientific content. Edumat was added under “Other projects” .There´s information about the project and a direct link to the Portal, making it accessible to users, schools, participants, and the general public.

European Researchers' Night

The European Researchers' Night is a unique event that takes place simultaneously in more than 400 cities across Europe. Every year, hundreds of researchers open the doors of their laboratories to share their knowledge, contributions, and passion with the public. Esciencia organized the event in nine of the largest cities in Spain in collaboration with Caixaforum. We added EDUMAT to the website, which is viewed by an average of 14,000 people.

Go Green

The project aims at redefining disciplinary programs and educational methods through cooperation between the different institutions of education and providing theoretical-methodological schemes which are innovative and closer to the analyzed realities as well as virtuous models of action which will enhance environmental issues. The specific aims of the project are: Contribute to promoting the awareness of schools communities about environmental issues and sustainable development through the promotion of a transdisciplinary approach and problem-based learning. Implementing, experimenting, validating, supporting, and disseminating training models linked to the environment and to more aware management and consumption of natural resources. Enhance the contribution that the school education system can give to the environmental sustainability. Go Green project website provides information about the project together with a direct link to the Portal. Users may now learn about and benefit from the EduMat+ project.


The project identifies three main specific objectives: Provide basic and transversal digital skills to teachers for a transformation of teaching methodologies by emphasizing the opportunities for relationship and participation that online platforms offer. Work on the innovation of sharing strategies of teaching materials in social platforms close to the daily online relational experience of young people, as well as on better communicability of teaching materials through the adoption of visual languages and storytelling as narration methods of more engaging content. Provide transversal digital skills (e.g. critical analysis, user awareness, creative content production) for greater autonomy and behavioural online responsibility online. EduMat+ project website provides information about the project together with a direct link to the Portal. Users may now learn about and benefit from the EduMat+ project